Salon refurb….part one!
February 2019
Everyone loves an update, so I am going to do regular blogs to keep you in the loop with what’s going on behind the scenes at
Kirsty Hamilton Beauty.
So 2019 has been BUSY!! Starting on 7th January with planning permission being accepted to turn Styliz hairdressers into Kirsty Hamilton Beauty salon, YAY! A whole load of Pinterest boards, numerous floor plans and admittedly a tantrum or two later, I had a plan….sort of! The keys to the shop were officially collected the end of January and work was about to go underway, starting with the alarm and CCTV (safety first folks) which in hindsight was probably not ideal to do first (I apologise to any residents for the amount of times the alarm went off whilst the electricians played about with wires……the 3am phone calls from the alarm company were not great for me either) We used the back space to create a treatment room, a kitchenette area, a storage area and the toilet area remains the same (meets it’s purpose). The front walls around the window cove have been knocked back to create some more space for our waiting area....not that we plan to keep you waiting but it will be comfortable none the less. Rewiring of the salon…check, Plasterboard and walls all plastered….check. The guys have worked so hard to get everything where its at now, I have plenty of step by step pictures that I will post on Facebook and on our Instagram ‘highlights’ section once everything is completed or looking a bit more exciting. The next part of the refurb is Tiling, Flooring and Painting, watch this space……
A special thanks to…..
My sister Nicola for using part of her career break to be ‘project manager’ and overseeing most of this while I’m working (going back to the bank will seem like a breeze compared to the running about she’s doing ATM)
Also to my boyfriend Aidan for putting up with me and my constant ‘please google this, please google that’ and to you both for coming to the salon to draw chalk on the floors with me to check things would fit in place and of course all of the support you have given me every day alongside my parents who are quite rightly spending winter in Spain (conveniently avoiding me at my sassiest time haha)
Also, also a huge thanks to Scott Lindsay and Bryan Adams for being brutally honest (that’s what friends are for) with their professional opinions if any of my ideas have been too extra or just terrible in general.